Sunday, January 1, 2012

The start of a new year...our best year yet!

I've been waiting for quite some time for a natural "fresh start" in life, so on this New Year's Day 2012 I feel the desire to start our family history in hopes that we might cherish the little moments we have together.

I am gazing down into the family room at my family as they play a wii game together. As I listen to them interact with each other I am living one of life's "cherished moments". The interesting thing is their comments to each other are not all sweet and lovey dovey and yet the joy on their faces as they almost beat Dad is priceless. He always wins.

Earlier today I enjoyed another moment, perhaps the highlight of the day, Saylor recieved an Ipod touch for her birthday and this afternoon Jeremy set up Skype on it. A few minutes later Jeremy ran upstairs to his Ipad and called Saylor on Skype. So there they were one upstairs and one downstairs having a conversation on Skype. I could only hear Saylor's end of the conversation but it was very cute. She was asking Jeremy where he was and other cute things. Michael figured out where Jeremy was quite quickly and sat upstairs with Jer sharing in all the mirth of Saylor not knowing where they were. I think eventually Eowyn ended up with them. At one point Jeremy told Saylor he was back in Virginia and Michael covered his mouth with his hands to stifle his laughter. I guess he thought that was a really great joke.

Michael playing with cars in his room.

Autumn and Eowyn

She wanted Chicken nuggets tonight and I told her "no". She ran down and asked Jeremy who also said "no". She came up a few minutes later and told me she had a secret. She leaned in and whispered in my ear "Daddy said yes." Oh boy!

Saylor reading one of her many Fairy Realm books.

Eowyn and Layla. I had to take like 20 pictures to get this one. They are wiggly girls!

Jeremy, Layla, and Michael right before the wii games began.

I can see Layla coming up the stairs looking for me. Yup, she just made eye contact. "MOMMIE!"

I guess I'd better put her to bed.

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