Sunday, February 26, 2012

February has come and almost gone, how did that happen?

Well, here we are almost a month has passed since my last post. Time certainly does fly. Some very big news is that we are about four weeks pregnant with our fifth child! I am not feeling sick yet but expect to by the end of next month. Jeremy is delighted and keeps talking about names. I want to wait until I am showing to tell everyone (we haven't told a soul) but Jeremy just wants to wait until the "safe" period is over. It's kind of a game to see how long I can keep this special secret for me. I just feel like it will give me little landmarks during this pregnancy to look forward to besides all the regular landmarks. We'll see.

I've started taking Eowyn and Layla to a daycare on Wednesdays so I can get things done. I love it but I also feel guilty. I think I feel guilty about paying someone else to watch my girls. It's a weird thing because I look forward to it every week but I also feel like less of a mom. They both cry when they get there but settle down after I am gone. They are both delighted to see me when I pick them up though. I just feel like when I'm trying to get things done they sit around and watch movies (which I HATE!) so, at least, there are other kids to play with at daycare. We'll see how long I do this for.

Here are a few pictures of the last month in no particular order...

sack racing for Saylor's turn at FHE
Eowyn and Daddy being cute.
Eowyn is constantly locking the bathroom door and putting on my make-up. She comes out looking like this VERY often. It's pretty cute.

Mike with crackers in his glasses. What a character.
Saylor decided to get out some paper to color pictures and make a story. I found her with this enormous pile of paper. It was hilarious.
Layla is in the dryer. I thought it was sooo cute so I took a picture. Later that day while folding laundry I found that while she was in there she left a purple crayon. I lost an entire load of laundry.
Layla is shutting Eowyn in the dryer. Silly girls.

Some other fun things we did this last month...

I was able to go to both Saylor's and Michael's class Valentine's Day Parties. They were cute and the kids had a good time.

We had Trent and Richelle over to hang out. Jeremy put up the moon bounce, a tent, the soccer nets and tons of other things. The kids had so much fun we didn't really see them inside the whole day even though it was chilly. Our kids used to spend all day outside in Virginia but here in Utah that has not been the case so we were so pleased that they stayed out so long. It's what we really want. It was really fun to be with Trent and Richelle we just chatted and ate and chatted more. It was the perfect day.

Grandma and Grandpa came up for a Grandparents day last Saturday. We played a Valentine Bingo game and had dinner and then grandpa played hide and seek with the kids as well as other games. They had a great time. We all had a great time. Family is wonderful.


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